


 「調子の悪いゲームボーイのソフトにに息を吹きかける」という行為は、多くの人が子供時代 に経験しています。また、「人形代に息を吹きかけて自らの穢れを移す」ことは神道においてしばしば見られます。例えば、近所にある神社では、毎年6月30日の大祓で、人形代に3回息を吹きかけてから奉納します。「穢れ」は内面的な汚れであり、理想ではない状態を指します。そして、通常の洗浄に効力はなく、 清めや祓いといった儀式でのみ取り除かれると考えられています。




 まず、ゲームにおける人形代(自分の身代わりになるもの)を探そうとしましたが、そもそもこ の時代のゲームの中の世界には「自分」がいないということに気がつきました。場所があって、 風景があって、主人公や敵や味方やいろんなキャラクターがいて、しかし自分はあくまで操作す る者として外側にいます。そのことから、自分の写っている写真から自分を切り取ることで、ゲームのソフトと対等な人 形代を作ることができると考えました。そして、その人形代に息を吹きかけて穢れを移し、さら にその切り取った部分に別のイメージを補うことで、条件を満たさないものになった人形代は穢れと一緒に消滅する、という理想的な道筋を立てました。








There are various cases of the act of blowing our breath on something.

Many people have experienced blowing on a terminal of game cartridge of GAMEBOY when it had some problems, in their childhood. (It was thought to be the best solution.)

In Japanese Shintoism, blowing on “hitokata” (human-shaped paper) is common habit to drive away our filth or impureness called “kegare”. At the shrine in my neighborhood, parishioners serve “hitokata” as offering to the god after blowing it three times on June 30th every year. Kegare is internal filth or impureness, and is not ideal-condition. It is considered to be cleansed or purified only by the ritual called “harai”.

Through the same act, game and hitokata were connected.

I made a hypothesis that many people have been cleansing their kegare by blowing to clean games. I did not play games a lot, so I am sure my kegare has been piling up inside me. Therefore I am way out of my ideal state now. However, recent game cartridges do not need to be blown to be cleaned. 

I considered these two different “puff-puff” blowing acts on game and hitokata  are the same. Then I tried to make the other method for harai ritual which I can practice now.

Assuming that the real world is a pseudo-game world, I decided to make rules to clean up the filth.

At first, I tried to find hitokata (something that replaces my existence) in GAMEBOY games.  However, I realized that there is no “I” in games of the time of GAMEBOY in the first place. There are various spaces, sceneries, items, and characters (hero, enemy, ally, etc), but “I” do not exist in the game world. I am always outside of games as an operator.

So I think that I can make my hitokatas which are equal to game cartridges, by cutting myself out of the self portrait photos. After this, I blow on the hitokata of photograph and fill the hollow part with other images. I built a theory and process for the new way of harai ritual.  I transfer my kegare by blowing my self portrait removed from the world as hitokata. By getting a replacement in the hollow, “I” in a photo loses its identity as hitokata and disappears with my kegare. 


This is the process of the ritual.

(1)Set the location and the tasks

(2)Clear the tasks and take a self portrait

(3)Print the photograph and cut the image of myself out 

(4) Fill the hollow with other images and make a background


I am cleansing myself while shifting back and forth between fiction and reality. 



2021年  ZINE『Narrative and Fiction』(Chojamachi School of Arts)に9点出品