[ Hey, poke me in the nose. ] / 2020





This work is the self-portrait taken with a flatbed scanner. I consider that the scanner is a special camera to visualize "distance". 

Early 2020, I was staying at my home for most of the time. It was very cozy because I like my home and alone time. However, little by little, I began to feel uncomfortable. I felt that "Even though I am alive, I am dying in society".

Suddenly, I thought the glass of the scanner in the corner of my room was like a window and there might be someone behind it. I made an assumption that this is the only boundary line between me and society. 

In this photograph, only the nose is in focus, and the other parts are melted into the black background. I think it is a self-portrait including my self-consciousness - "I'm connected to the world with just the tip of my nose". 

Hey, poke me in the nose. I wonder how I look to you through the window.  



2020年 セルビアの写真祭 FOTORAMA X(セルビア クラグイエヴァツ)に12点出品しました。